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Our investment philosophy


Deep experience. Market-leading investing.

MLC’s investment team pioneered the multi-manager investment model in Australia over 35 years ago to help investors achieve their goals. So when you're invested in an MLC portfolio, your money is with Australia's most experienced multi-manager.

We have more than 45 investment professionals** united in their focus to deliver consistent performance that supports you to achieve financial wellbeing.

Find out about the investment philosophy that guides how we manage your money, our investment process and the managers we use in our portfolios.

** Broader MLC Asset Management team of 158 staff. Figure current as at 30 June 2023.

Our managers.

MLC’s internal managers run several of our investment strategies. We also research hundreds of investment managers from around the world to select some of the best ones for our funds, including sought-after firms that aren’t available to individual investors or are closed to new institutional investors.

Read information about the managers in our portfolios, why we’ve chosen them and their role in MLC MasterKey Super and Pension Fundamentals, MLC MasterKey Investment Service Fundamentals and Pre Select.

We may use a different combination of these investment managers in each fund, and may change the managers at any time.  You can find up-to-date information about investment managers for each fund on the MLC MasterKey Fund Profile Tool.



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