Have your insurance cover and super in one place.
You may be able to consolidate your super or insurance if you have an MLC MasterKey Business Super, MLC MasterKey Personal Super or MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals account with us, even if your insurance is with another provider.
If you have insurance through one or more of your super accounts, you can apply to bring it together with the insurance cover you have with us.
To bring your insurance cover together, simply complete and send us a Consolidate your insurance cover form.
Make sure you transfer your insurance cover before your super, otherwise your insurance will be cancelled.
There are a few things to consider before you bring your insurance cover into one super account:
It’s important to know that any conditions you have on your current insurance cover with us (or insurance you’re consolidating)—such as premium loadings or exclusions, will continue to apply.
For further details, log in to your account to see the Consolidate your Insurance cover form.