Key dates for contributions
Important disclaimer:
Please note: Contributions need to be received by MLC by the specified dates below, to ensure proper reporting to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for the 2023/2024 financial year.
Please allow 3-5 business days before 3pm, Friday 28 June 2024 for BPAY or EFT payments to reach MLC.
Please confirm with your financial institution(s) that your contributions will meet these deadlines. All times are in AEST.
Electronic payments for MasterKey Business Super (MKBS), MasterKey Personal Super (MKPS) and MasterKey Super including Fundamentals:
Must be received at MLC by:
What customers need to make this payment?
3pm, Friday 28 June - Biller code: 919688
- Your client’s Customer Reference Number.
The BPAY details can be found by logging into, on the Account details tab.
Please note: limit of $1,000,000 for this transaction type.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
(MLC MasterKey Super and Super Fundamentals only)3pm, Friday 28 June - BSB:
082-382 for Employer (inc. Salary Sacrifice).
082-396 for Personal (inc. Intent to claim a tax deduction). - Your 7 digit MLC account number.
Only employer and personal contributions are available via this method.One-off Direct Debit
3pm, Friday 21 June - Log into your account at or
- You can complete an Additional and Regular Investments form.
Credit Card
Online and mail
(Received by)
By Phone3pm, Friday 21 June
3pm, Friday 28 June
- Log into your account at or
- You can complete an Additional and Regular Investments form.
Contribution by chequePlease make cheques payable to NULIS ATF MLC Super Fund and include a completed Additional Contributions form. The deadline for all cheque contributions is Friday 3pm, 21 June.
Make cheques payable to
Address to
MLC MasterKey Super and Fundamentals
MLC MasterKey Business Super and Personal Super
NULIS ATF MLC Super Fund MLC MasterKey
PO BOX 200
North Sydney NSW 2059New applications and accounts
3pm, Friday 21 June If you would like to open a new super account before the end of financial year, we’ll need to receive your application before 3pm, Friday 21 June.
Changes to Direct Debit arrangements
Direct Debit details changes (regular and one off) – non-credit card*
3pm, Friday 21 June Direct Debit details changes (regular and one off) – credit card
3pm, Friday 21 June Notice of intent to claim a tax
deduction (FY22/23 claim)3pm, Friday 28 June All notice of intent to claim forms must be received prior to 3pm, Friday 28 June, if you/your client intends to claim a tax deduction for the previous financial year.
Contributions via Clearing House (Employer)
Contribution type
Cut-off date 2024
For non-MLC EmployerPay users:
Default super employees: Online file submission and direct debit or direct credit (EFT) payment
Friday, 14 June Choice super employees: File submission and direct debit or direct credit (EFT) payments
Friday, 14 June For MLC EmployerPay users:
MLC EmployerPay: Online file submission and direct debit or direct credit (EFT) payment Monday, 17 June Please note: Incorrect EFT payments and submissions may result in a delay of processing the contributions. Employers should allow up to 3 working days for us to receive EFT payments.
Please remind Employers when making EFT payments:
- If you pay via Direct Credit (EFT), you must ensure you pay the correct amount and provide the matching Payment Reference Number (PRN) submitted via MLC EmployerPay to avoid any delays in contributions being remitted to super funds.
- Online batch submission (remittance) should be completed on MLC EmployerPay before making your payment.
- Payment amounts must match the batch amount exactly and must make one payment per batch submitted.