What is the Annual Members’ Meeting?
The Annual Members’ Meeting, overseen by the Fund’s Trustee, NULIS Nominees (Australia) Pty Limited, is an opportunity for members to hear about the performance of their super fund during the previous financial year ending 30 June, the economic outlook and the fund's strategic plan. It also provides members with a forum to ask questions.
What is the Trustee and its role?
The Trustee of MLC Super Fund is NULIS Nominees (Australia) Pty Limited. The Board of NULIS Nominees (Australia) Pty Limited consists of a group of external non-executive directors.
The Trustee has both statutory and fiduciary responsibility to manage MLC Super Fund in the best financial interests of its members. This involves overseeing the super fund’s operations and compliance with relevant laws and regulations and making decisions prioritising the interests of our super fund members.
Do I need to attend?
You don’t have to attend. We will post a recording of the meeting on our website within one month after the meeting, together with the minutes of the meeting and any questions and answers that we couldn’t get to at the meeting.
If I can’t attend can someone else attend for me?
Anyone can watch a recording of the meeting on our website one month after the meeting.
That time doesn’t suit me. Can I watch the recording afterwards?
A recording of the meeting will be available on our website within one month after the meeting.
What funds does this meeting cover?
This meeting covers members who have their super in MLC Super Fund. The products within this fund are:
- Plum Super
- Plum Personal Plan
- Plum Retirement Income
- MLC MasterKey Super & Pension Fundamentals
- MLC MasterKey Business Super
- MLC MasterKey Personal Super
- MLC MasterKey Term Allocated Pension
- MLC Pure Endowment Superannuation
- MLC Life Cover Super
- MLC Insurance (Super)
- MLC Protection - Life
- MLC Protection - Executive Life
- MLC Protectionfirst Super
- Solitaire
- MLC Capital Guaranteed Personal Super Savings Plan Series 1-2
- MLC Super Pension Plan
- MLC Maturity Growth Superannuation Plan
- MLC Whole of Life Superannuation
- MLC Endowment Superannuation
- Whole of Life
- Endowment
When is the Annual Members’ Meeting held?
The MLC Super Fund financial year ends on 30 June, and the Annual Members' Meeting must be held by 31 March the following year. The 2024 Annual Members’ Meeting will be held on 18 February 2025.
When will I be notified?
Notices to all super fund members are being sent from early December 2024.
Where can I find information from your previous meetings?
You can view the minutes, member questions and answers, and a recording of our previous meetings here.